A program that encompasses lifelike scenarios training on simulation models of critical infrastructure – SCADA and IoT/ IoT operated systems. Trainees implement the relevant attack path scenarios and knowledge in order to sabotage normal operation of the operational or control systems and see the physical impact of their actions while learning about industrial control systems and their vulnerabilities to cyber incidents.

ICS and IoT
cyber Arena
  • Hands-on experience with ICS and IoT systems
  • Miniature and Virtual Models
  • Real feedback environment
  • Comprehensive design & functionality

Gaining hands-on experience with real-world devices and physical automation systems.

Learning common and critical system functionalities in the ICS and IoT World as well as their vulnerabilities to cyber and physical threats.

Miniature, virtualized models display real and immediate feedback with each action performed. Hands-on practice of penetration and protection methods.

Easy and insightful HMI and UI features visualizing systems design and functionality in a clear and thoughtful manner.