Professional cyber environment based on our exciting simulation platforms challenging trainees against real-world Defense-Attack scenarios pitting blue and red team specialist in a competitive track performance environment.
Constantly preparing trainees to the next cyber challenge keeping them up to date and alert to the next real-thing.
Hands-on experience operating in real-world cyber operational environments.
Implemented in national critical assets, academies and certification programs.
Platforms and environment sustaining a continuous learning and improvement process of the trainees and instructors.
The game mechanics of the SoteriaCRS platform combine cyber technologies seamlessly into a unique competitive framework.
Identification of talented and creative individuals to fulfill critical roles in the cyber arena.
Tailor-made cyber challenges comprised of real-world scenarios according to local locations and assets making trainees sympathize with their missions.
Gain Real-World experience in a dynamic, competitive and engaging cyber environment
Modern Cyber Simulation-Room providing exciting and professional training environment.
Providing a unique training platform enabling simple and complex Blue and Red team training with proper track-performance and instructors supervision.
Ensuring optimal operation, systems reliability, safety and maintainability.
Our unique architecture allows hands-on training for cyber professionals, simulating real world networks and attacks-defense scenarios, challenging trainees to stand against custom designed cyber challenges.