SOTERIA’s next-generation cyber war simulation platform is an exciting, real-world cyber wargame putting teams in a race to meet a series of preset challenges. SoteriaCRS integrates various tools into a competitive, and fully trackable, gaming environment with exciting virtual effects specifically designed to enhance competitiveness and excitement, combining real world attacks and usage of real-world techniques and technologies to be implemented in the training.

  • Scanning and Mapping
  • Programming
  • Exploitation
  • Evasion techniques and footprint cleaning
  • Digital Forensics

Stage for Competition – The SoteriaCRS platform seamlessly combines cyber technologies into a unique and competitive framework.

Custom – Designed scenarios developed to accommodate the required training.

Students gain points by accomplishing guided tasks and achieving required results; coping with exciting and challenging real-world scenarios.

Track performance visualization for instructors and students including automated guidance and support features.

Group competition encouraging teamwork and coordinated action plans.

Exciting visualization features creating high-user engagement and meaningful real-time feedback regarding student activity and performance.